Development of educational infrastructure at Fényi Gyula Jesuit High School

In the Avas-south residential area of Miskolc, a church high school was established 25 years ago, which gained national fame for its novelty, educational standards, and vibrant community. Thanks to an EU funded project, two new sections of the flourishing school, equipped with the latest technology, have been realised: a multifunctional community space and a group of science laboratories and classrooms on the upper levels of the central building. When, in the late 1980s, István...

A new nursery awaits the youngest residents in the revitalised Homokbánya district

A green, livable, and modern urban area has started to born in the sand quarry district of Kecskemét. The developments reveal more and more of the concept year by year in which the complete rehabilitation and reconstruction of a city district is taking place. In developments of this scale, it is extremely important to thoroughly plan the supporting infrastructure and to provide services that meet the needs of the population. For families, one of the...

Hungarians have won the “Oscar” of EU projects

The RegioStars competition, announced by the European Commission for 2024, is one of the biggest event for European Union projects; it is not an exaggeration to say that the award won here is the “Oscar” of regional policy. This year, Hungarian applicants made it to the finals for the first time, and a huge success was born. The aim of the RegioStars competition is to showcase and recognise the best practices and innovative projects of...

Professional exhibition on sustainability and innovation

From October 1-3, 2024, the first international environmental, waste-water management, and sustainability exhibition titled “ENVIRONTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA 2024” was held at HUNGEXPO, where approximately eighty exhibitors from eight countries showcased their innovations and technological developments related to the topic. The event was joined by the National Development Center through the presentation of three of its operational programmes. The exhibition focused on one of the most important questions of the 21st century: how can we...

Hungarian zeal in the fashion world

In Hungary, the most important net job creators are micro and small enterprises, nearly two-thirds of which are sole proprietorships. It’s not easy to embark on this path, but a significant boost was provided by an EU project, which, by offering financial and business support, enables young people to take their first independent steps in the economy. Business development is one of the most important driving forces of Hungarian economic growth. The Hungarian government has...

Healthcare has been modernized at the Lábatlan Health Center

Through the purchase of equipment and modern outpatient care forms, the quality of healthcare for the residents of Lábatlan and the affected settlements has improved. Outpatient care serving the population of the town of Lábatlan and the village of Süttő are located in the Lábatlan Health Center. The building was completed in 2000 using modern construction technology. In addition to primary care, several specialist care are available to the public: gastroenterology, ophthalmology, gynecology, urology, physiotherapy,...

Road development in Dombrád

The city of Dombrád has successfully implemented road development initiatives under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program Plus, which not only have a positive impact on the city’s transportation but also contribute to the local population’s retention and improve the overall environmental condition of the settlement. The Municipality of Dombrád renovated part of its internal roads with European Union support. After successfully winning the tender, several roads have been modernised—Andrássy, Kossuth, Rákóczi, Széchenyi, and...

Environmental awareness on the campuses of Szent István University

The energy efficiency project won by Szent István University contributes to the achievement of national and EU goals. As part of this initiative, solar panel systems have been installed on three of the university’s campuses to partially replace local electricity consumption and make the institution’s operations more environmentally friendly. The university has installed small, household-sized power plants that feed electricity into the grid at two locations in Budapest (Túri István Street and Thököly Street) and...

The systems of the Hungarian State Treasury have been renewed

Recently, several technical developments have made official administration simpler. The Client Gateway system and the continuously expanding range of services attached to it have all contributed to the rise of digital administration. The Hungarian State Treasury could not be left out of this process either. Thanks to European Union support, as part of the large-scale project, the Hungarian State Treasury developed a new integrated administrative interface, allowing us to handle our official matters faster and...

Learning is easier among dinosaurs

Through the Dino Kingdom project, funded under the Széchenyi 2020 program, the József Attila Municipal Library and Museum Collection in Komló has completely renovated and modernized its children’s section, now offering 21st-century services in a modern environment. Why is lifelong learning so important? Knowledge is not only a tool necessary for obtaining and keeping a job, but it also permeates many other aspects of our lives. In our rapidly changing world, we need to continuously...


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