Excellent drinking water in Ináncs

2024. 10. 04.

A project aimed at improving the water quality in the village of Ináncs was successfully implemented as part of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program. As a result, the local population now has access to excellent quality drinking water.

More than a decade ago, Hungary launched the National Drinking Water Quality Improvement Program, aimed at providing the population with healthy drinking water and enhancing the safety and quality of water services. Thanks to new technical solutions developed through this EU-funded project, significant improvements in water quality have been achieved in Ináncs’ water supply system. This now allows the local population to receive water services that meet the standards set by the European Union.

The iron and manganese removal technology at the village’s water plant had lost its efficiency, resulting in the manganese content of the water often exceeding the legal limits. Moreover, it could not reduce the ammonium content of the raw water, which was also above acceptable levels. Providing high-quality drinking water became possible through the replacement of the outdated iron-manganese removal system and the introduction of a complex water treatment system to remove ammonia. In addition, the water tower and its technical building were renovated, 18 public drinking fountains currently in use were upgraded, and two fire hydrants were replaced.

The completion of this project contributes to providing the population with healthy drinking water, in line with Hungary’s commitments outlined in its Accession Treaty.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project KEHOP-2.1.3-15-2016-00001 under the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details


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