Large-scale wastewater – utility development in the Northern Hungary region

2024. 05. 10.

In the Northern Hungary region, a series of significant wastewater investments have been completed with the support of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme. Although wastewater improvement does not belong to the impressive projects’ category, they deserve more attention, because if there is a problem, we all feel it immediately. The project, spanning several settlements and affecting thousands of people, contributed to Hungary being able to implement the improvement of its sewage disposal and treatment situation from region to region as stipulated in the EU treaties.

As a result of several years of preparation, the Municipality of Sárospatak won the wastewater derogation tender in a consortium with Arló, Borsodnádasd and Füzesabony settlements. It was a continuous work as the sewage network of Sárospatak was more than forty years old. The modern technology used at the time performed significantly worse than expected due to the strong chemical effects of wastewater.

In the city of Sárospatak, site and network development was carried out as part of the project, during which more than eight kilometers of gravity pipelines, approximately eight kilometers of pressure pipelines, 377 house connections and six lifters were established. The plant was developed by using the infrastructure of the existing wastewater treatment plant in Sárospatak and with the creation of new technological units.

As part of the project, a completely new sewage plant was built in the municipality of Arló. In addition, about 16.5 kilometers of gravity pipelines, nearly three kilometers of pressure pipelines, more than 1,000 house connections, 18 house lifters and six public lifters were established.

Sewage treatment plant in Borsodnádasd was also developed, and the entire network was also renewed. In addition to these, approximately 24 kilometers of gravity pipelines, approximately two kilometers of pressure pipelines, more than 1,100 house connections, 40 domestic lifters, and five public lifters were established in the small town.

In addition to the reconstruction of the sewage plant in Füzesabony, the development of the sewage network was also implemented, which provides 747 meters of gravity pipeline, almost two kilometers of pressure pipeline, 24 house connections and two lifters in the city.

These investments improve the quality of life of the population and significantly reduce the environmental pressure in the region.


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The program was implemented with European Union funding under the KEHOP-2.2.2-15-2015-00036 project.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details


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