The Bay Zoltán Solar Observatory in Gyula has been reborn

2025. 03. 07.

The Bay Zoltán Solar Observatory in Gyula is not only an important center for solar physics research and space weather studies but is also gaining increasing significance in cultural and educational fields. Thanks to European Union funding, recent developments have allowed the building—already dedicated to solar research—to be equipped with modern instruments and new functions. As a result, the observatory not only strengthens Hungary’s scientific community but has also actively joined international research efforts.

One of the observatory’s key scientific activities is synoptic solar observation, conducted under the auspices of the Hungarian Solar Physics Foundation. For these observations, researchers use the Solar Activity Magnetic Monitor (SAMM) solar telescope, a dual-optical-axis instrument operating with magneto-optical filter technology. The SAMM prototype was developed through international collaboration, supported by the governments, universities, and scientific councils of various European countries. The instrument has been installed at the observatory, making it the central control unit of the Solar Activity Monitor Network (SAMNet), contributing to space weather forecasting.

The Institution Operates on Three Levels, Each Covering an Area of 113 m² in a Circular Layout. The server room on the lower level provides the technical infrastructure for space weather observations. The middle level contains a multimedia exhibition hall, research rooms, and supporting facilities. On the top level is the SAMM solar telescope, which continuously monitors the Sun and provides valuable data for international research.

Thanks to the EU-funded project, the former observatory located on top of the Water Tower has been completely renovated. The building has been fitted with new windows and insulation, and the electrical network has been modernized. In support of research work, computers, desks, and staff blocks have also been installed.

The upgraded observatory not only provides state-of-the-art equipment for researchers but has also opened its doors to the public. One of its main goals is to promote science and support education, with a special focus on space weather and solar physics phenomena. The multimedia exhibition hall and interactive displays offer visitors—especially young people—the opportunity to gain firsthand experience of the Sun’s activity and its effects on Earth. This development helps bring scientific research findings to a wider audience.

The Bay Zoltán Solar Observatory in Gyula plays a key role in advancing Hungarian scientific excellence. With its modern equipment, it supports solar research and space weather forecasting. By participating in international research projects, it contributes to global scientific collaboration while also making astronomy and solar physics more accessible to the public through engaging interactive programs.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project TOP-7.1.1-16-H-ERFA-2019-00207 under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details


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