A Regional Crisis Centre named Safe Point has been established in Orosháza, Hungary, by the Hungarian Interchurch Aid, which provides help to victims of relationship violence, their families and professionals in the Southern Great Plain region.
Relationship violence includes not only physical abuse, but also psychological, verbal, sexual abuse, economic violence and financial vulnerability. The main activities of the institution are providing information to victims, people at risk and their relatives by e-mail, telephone, online or face-to-face meetings, information about available support services, legal and psychological counselling, supportive interviews. It is important that abused people are able to recognise and understand the dangers of relationship violence at an early stage and are empowered to leave the abusive relationship. Services can be provided anonymously and are free of charge.
Promoting cooperation between the institutions involved in the fight against relationship violence was also a key objective of the project, given that bringing together the relevant actors can help to deal with individual cases more effectively. An interactive workshop provided an opportunity for professionals in contact with the victims to deepen their understanding and sensitisation on the issue. Case conferences and lectures were organised in addition to case consultations. Exchanges of experience were promoted at local and regional level, strengthening inter-professional cooperation, presenting the specific needs for effective management of relationship violence. Professionals have reduced victim blaming and are able to approach victims more empathetically and offer them support. Professional forums, workshops and workplace training sessions have led to a better recognition of warning signs by professionals in the reporting system and more frequent consultation of the clinic staff in cases of relationship violence.
The Crisis Centre, which was established by EU co-financing and under the Human Resources Development Operational Programme has enabled the development of services and a location that can provide a high level of professional and appropriate support to victims of relationship violence in a calm and peaceful environment. Apart from Orosháza, nine other regional crisis centres are operating throughout the country, and their professional network is constantly expanding, their visibility and recognition is growing, and in many cases they are acting as catalysts for new cooperation in the field and as a professional knowledge base for the activities of various state, municipal, civil, religious and public authorities, health, education and social institutions.
The development was implemented from EU funding in the project EFOP-1.2.5-16-2016-00013 under the Human Resource Development Operational Programme.
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