Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme Plus Pillar: four primary schools in Hajdú-Bihar county to be renovated

2025. 03. 06.

More than HUF 600 million will be invested in modernizing the primary schools of Álmosd, Nyíradony, Bagamér, and Nyírmártonfalva, all of which operate under the Educational District Centre of Debrecen. These developments are being carried out within the framework of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme Plus Pillar initiative.

During the 2021-2027 programming period, the so-called Operations of Strategic Importance (OSI)—more commonly known as Pillars—aim to enhance the visibility of EU funding, showcasing the achieved results to the public. Within TSDOP Plus, four key measures have been designated, one of which focuses on the development of public education infrastructure. This initiative is expected to modernize around 250 institutions, ensuring up-to-date facilities that meet modern educational requirements. The goal is to create a high-quality learning environment and effective teaching conditions by equipping classrooms, specialized subject rooms, laboratories, language training areas, IT and other educational tools, communal spaces, and sports facilities. The program also supports the development of daily physical education infrastructure, along with resources for talent development, special education needs, and basic arts education. This measure provides opportunities for establishing and acquiring specialized classrooms and equipment necessary for talent nurturing, compensatory education for disadvantaged students, and basic artistic education.

As part of the project, significant upgrades will take place in four Hajdú-Bihar county primary schools: Bocskai István Primary School in Álmosd: Classroom flooring and doors will be renewed, the ceremonial courtyard will receive a new paving stone surface, and a new playground will be built. Arany János Primary School in Nyíradony: The building’s exterior insulation will be upgraded, along with renovations to the gymnasium and classroom doors. Additionally, new outdoor play equipment will be installed. Bagaméri Primary and Basic Art School: The sports courtyard, gymnasium, and classroom flooring will be renovated using project funding. Primary School in Nyírmártonfalva: Upgrades will include window and door replacements, accessibility improvements, and a modernized heating system to enhance energy efficiency. In all four schools, a special classroom will be created for students with special educational needs (SEN), ensuring an inclusive learning environment tailored to their needs.

The Educational District Centre of Debrecen expects the renovations to be completed by spring 2027.


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