Local and fresh goods straight from the market

One form of conscious and healthy shopping is visiting the market, where one can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and other goods offered by local producers. In Zalaegerszeg, within the framework of the Széchenyi 2020 program, it was possible to provide the infrastructural background for local producers and artisans to access the market with EU funds, thereby increasing consumer interest. The goal of the city leadership was to implement a project that could unite the revitalisation...

More opportunities for higher education in Eastern Hungary

For many people, higher education is not only a key to self-development, but also a key to a future career. But what happens when the learning path hits obstacles or labour market expectations do not match the content of the training? A project of the EU-funded Human Resources Development Operational Programme has developed innovative solutions to these challenges to make higher education more successful and practice-oriented. The overall aim of the joint project of the...

Second chance in the classroom

Everyone deserves a second chance—especially when it comes to education. The Belvárosi Tanoda project’s aim was to provide real support to those young people who, for some reason, have dropped out of the school system but are ready to start over. The initiative focused on personalized development and community building. The “School Desk Reloaded—Support for Second Chance Programs” application, as part of the Széchenyi 2020 Program, supported the reintegration of young people without qualifications, who...

Strengthening the industrial area of Kunsziget

The main objective of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme was to improve the competitiveness of businesses. For this purpose, among others, the call for proposals “Development of Industrial Parks and Industrial Areas” has been launched to stimulate the local economy and increase employment. The municipality of Kunsziget has endeavored to meet the challenge posed by the characteristics of the local economic environment and labor market. There is a genuine social and economic demand that the improvement...

A major step in logistics services

What does a family business do well when it reaches the limits of its capacity? It does not shy away from the new and continues to develop, as Karzol-Trans Ltd. from Ecser did, most recently within the framework of an EU-funded project. The company is a striking example of how modern technologies and EU support can advance the success of a family business. Thanks to the project implemented with EU support under the Economic Development...

We can drive more smoothly in Nógrád and Heves counties

The feeling is familiar when, due to poor road quality, slow-moving traffic, or congested intersections, one can only sigh: it would have been faster by train!…? Well, it seems that in the vicinity of the 21st main road in Heves and Nógrád counties, these times are slowly becoming just a memory! Within the framework of the Integrated Transport Development Operational Program, several existing road sections have been transformed into expressways with the support of the...

Home composting is one local aspect of sustainability

In what way does green waste turn into arable land? Budakalász is already aware of the solution! Residents can now contribute to environmental protection in their own gardens through an excellent European Union co-funded program. The introduction of a sustainable waste management program in Budakalász, made possible by funding from the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program, raised the bar for the municipality’s treatment of biodegradable trash. What precisely is it, though? In general, people...

In Baranya, nearly 900 people have joined the Pillér project, which assists job seekers over the age of 30

Job seekers over the age of 30 are eligible to receive assistance through the “Expansion and Development of Labor Supply” programme, which commenced in October of last year. To finance the non-repayable grants, the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program Plus provides a total budget of HUF 78.41 billion nationwide, of which the European Union funds available in Baranya County amount to HUF 3.66 billion. Applications have been accepted in the programme since mid-May, and...

An army of children occupied a former barrack in Polgárdi

With the help of EU funding, a fully equipped kindergarten and nursery were built in Polgárdi, Fejér County. With this, the city has established temporary daytime care in nurseries, modernised the provision of preschool services, and facilitated women’s return to the labor market.  The new kindergarten and nursery building has created a true wonderland for children, where the possibilities for space, play, and development have reached 21st-century standards. The building complex, which stands on a...

The latest updates of the DROP Plus program were presented as part of a regional roadshow

During the regional roadshow, visitors were able to learn about the latest updates on the Digital Renewal Operational Program Plus at four locations: Debrecen, Pécs, Miskolc, and Szeged. There was also discussion about the role of financial instruments and the possibilities for accelerating the digital transition of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. The upcoming calls for proposals for the Digital Renewal Operational Program Plus, co-financed by the European Union, caused a series of events that...


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