Nearly 12 thousand people directly affected by flood protection improvements on the Tisza

With the support of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme, the General Directorate of Water Management has increased flood safety along the entire national stretch of the Tisza. The interventions on a section of Hármas-Körös and in the flood protection bay of Nagy Sárrét are well aligned with the objectives of the Tisza Valley Flood Protection Development Concept and in line with relevant policy plans and strategies. The technical necessity of the improvement was...

New sports centre in Gyöngyös: rebirth of a former military barrack

The town of Gyöngyös has undergone a spectacular transformation in recent years, particularly in terms of sports and community spaces. At the heart of urban development efforts has been the empty former military barracks which were waiting for their new potentials to be discovered. The development of the area was significantly boosted by the European Union’s support provided by the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme (TOP) “Rehabilitation of brownfield sites” call for proposals. Thanks...

The company making unique medical diagnostic devices has become more competitive

With the support of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme, Budapest-based Norma Instruments Zrt. has expanded its range of devices. The company’s main activity is the development and production of haematology analysers, which are mainly used to perform complete blood counts for the diagnosis of certain diseases. Norma Instruments Zrt. manufactures the world’s smallest haematology analysers, available in around 80 countries worldwide. Within the framework of the project, a water treatment system has been acquired...

Camaldolese Hermitage has been given a new look

The Camaldolese Hermitage is located in Oroszlány-Majkpuszta, on the site of a castle. This unique monument complex, which is also a rarity in Europe, was renovated during a several years long reconstruction process, within the framework of the National Castle and Forts Program, with the support of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme. The Benedictine Camaldolese Order was founded around 980 by Saint Romuald in Arezzo (Italy). In Hungary the Order had four monasteries,...

The cleaned-up Strázsa Hill is home to protected species

Strázsa Hill, which is situated on the western edge of Pilis, has been a military shooting range for more than a hundred years, preserving its natural values almost intact. However, the soil was contaminated, which threatened the wildlife. The Danube-Ipoly National Park Directorate (DINPI) was able to carry out the environmental remediation of the mountain with the support of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme (KEHOP).                 ...

Green revolution at the heart of Villány

Approximately 13,000 plants have been placed on more than 2200 square meters with the support of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program (TOP) in Villány. The project creates a more livable environment for residents and visitors, thereby greatly improving the attractiveness and competitiveness of the city. The town of Baranya County won the third place of the European Green City National Award in 2023 after implementing large-scale investment in greening and urban renewal through...

Biodiversity conservation and environmental protection were at the heart of the Tógazda Ltd.’s project

One of the call for proposals of the Hungarian Fisheries Operational Programme (MAHOP) has set the conservation and enhancement of nature and biodiversity, as well as the preservation of landscape elements as its objectives. In its project, Tógazda Halászati Ltd. has taken into account all the environmental aspects that help to preserve the ecosystem of the pond and promote sustainable pond management. In the 2014-2020 programming period, Hungary has launched the “Wetland and Waterbird Habitat...

A smart tool makes life easier for wheelchair users

There are a significant number of people with reduced mobility all over the world and in Hungary as well, according to the 2022 census data, their number exceeds 110,000. Some of these people live their lives in wheelchairs, significantly deprived of the feeling of freedom given by movement, but there are tools that can alleviate the limitation. Such a device is the Gyroset Guide smart tool developed by NowTechnologies Ltd. The idea to develop this...

Progressive developments in Kecskemét

With the support of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme, the county’s so-called ‘sand pit’ part has been renewed, which has become an environmentally conscious, family- and climate-friendly and more liveable area. Kecskemét’s economic importance is growing year by year, which induces a growing population and an increase in the number of employees from different counties. This is why it was necessary to rehabilitate disused but well-located areas. The goal was to be able...

Berek’s World Visitor Center fills the gap in ecotourism development

A new nature theme park has been established due to the project implemented with the support of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme. Within the framework of the project titled Presenting the Natura 2000 area, establishing its network and infratructure development in the area operated by  the Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate, we can gain an insight into the world of South Balaton. It is certainly not known to many that the southwestern area...


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