Large-scale wastewater – utility development in the Northern Hungary region

In the Northern Hungary region, a series of significant wastewater investments have been completed with the support of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme. Although wastewater improvement does not belong to the impressive projects’ category, they deserve more attention, because if there is a problem, we all feel it immediately. The project, spanning several settlements and affecting thousands of people, contributed to Hungary being able to implement the improvement of its sewage disposal and...

Generation gap has reduced in four schools in Pest County

With the support of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme, the development of digital competencies supporting learning and teaching was realized in four schools of the Educational District Centre of Szigetszentmiklós. Within the framework of the project, the further training of nearly fifty teachers took place, who, with the acquired knowledge and using the new digital tools, can hold exciting lessons. In today’s ’internet-centric’ world, it is very important that teachers also receive up-to-date trainings...

History come to life: Boldogkő Castle is waiting for you

Boldogkő Castle, located at the foot of the Zemplén Mountains, was renovated within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme. During the renovation, they strove for remaining faithful to history and style of the 14th and 16th centuries. Besides that, there are 21st century interactive solutions and programmes that available from spring for interested tourists. Within the framework of the project titled “Development of Castles in Zemplén and Abaúj Counties”, the development...

Children’s ophthalmology screening bus in the poorest settlements

As part of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service’s health promotion programme, one of Europe’s most modern ophthalmology screening buses visit the country’s poorest settlements. Thanks to the project, approximately 2,000 children can be examined each year, and those in need receive glasses for free. In the 2014-2020 programming period, the resources of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme contributed significantly to the implementation of health promotion and disease prevention activities among disadvantaged people. The International...

The former Rudolf Barracks in Kecskemét now serves family and child welfare

For two years now, a renovated complex has been operating in Kecskemét, housing the family and child welfare services center. Thanks to the support of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program, the project creates a more advanced infrastructural environment for urban and district-level family support and child welfare services. The modern facility facilitates family-focused social work and also serves as a professional workshop. Since 2016, family support has been integrated with child welfare services...

A new solar power plant provides clean energy to Debrecen residents

MVM Group’s renewable energy subsidiary, MVM Green Generation Ltd., is constructing solar power plants nationwide. One of the results of this development process is a project realized with EU support, which involved the establishment of a solar park spanning 52 hectares in Debrecen. The aim of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP) is to increase energy and resource efficiency, thereby promoting economic growth in harmony with environmental and human life protection. The new...

New environmentally friendly buses in Nyíregyháza

Cleaner air and reduced noise pollution in Nyíregyháza. As a result of a project supported by EU funding, Nyíregyháza has added 41 new compressed natural gas (CNG) buses to its public transportation fleet. As part of the project, a charging station was established to facilitate the operation of the new buses, and a site for storing the buses was also created. A key element of the Integrated Transport Development Operational Program (IKOP) is strengthening clean...

The product range of Szarvas-Fish Ltd. has expanded with Fishburger patties

One of the largest domestic African catfish farming companies has developed its fish processing plant in Tiszacsege with the support of the Hungarian Fisheries Management Operational Program. During the project, technological improvements and equipment investments were implemented, allowing the company to introduce products with longer shelf life and higher added value to the domestic market. Szarvas-Fish Ltd. was established in 1993. Its main activities include the breeding, processing, and distribution of African catfish, whose meat...

Szigetszentmiklós has been enriched with a Hundred-Place Kindergarten

Szigetszentmiklós has a population of nearly forty thousand people, making it the third most populous municipality in Pest County. Therefore, the establishment of the hundred-place Cserbóka Kindergarten, supported by the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Program, which opened its doors to children in December 2023, is of great importance. The town located on Csepel Island is a preferred destination for those choosing the agglomeration, thus the increasing number of children necessitated the expansion of the city’s...

The completion of the Marótvölgyi basin regulation marks the final stage of the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System

The general objective of the investment, supported by the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP), was to improve the infrastructure and situation of sustainable water management to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on surface and groundwater resources. Additionally, it aimed to facilitate the supply of water during periods of water scarcity and increase the usability of natural water resources. As a result of the project, adverse effects arising from excess or lack...


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