The completion of the Marótvölgyi basin regulation marks the final stage of the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System

The general objective of the investment, supported by the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP), was to improve the infrastructure and situation of sustainable water management to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on surface and groundwater resources. Additionally, it aimed to facilitate the supply of water during periods of water scarcity and increase the usability of natural water resources. As a result of the project, adverse effects arising from excess or lack...

Make learning an experience! Innovations on the National Education Portal

The National Education Portal welcomes students with rich digital content and a renewed offering. With over a hundred online versions of textbooks, tens of thousands of interactive exercises, 3D graphics, animations, playful learning solutions, and video clips, the portal of the Educational Authority aims to make children more motivated and successful in their learning endeavors. The goal of the EU-funded flagship project called “Development of textbooks, teaching aids, and digital content in accordance with the...

New opportunities for outdoor activities and community building have emerged in Mór

The Sándor Wekerle Leisure Center in Mór has expanded its facilities with the construction of a BMX and roller skating track, thanks to EU funding. The increase in outdoor activities aims to encourage local youth to get out more often, leading to a more active and healthier lifestyle. The leisure center has already served as a venue for numerous sports events and cultural activities. The sports hall features an authorized handball court for sports enthusiasts,...

Improvements for traffic safety in Pilisborosjenő

Significant progress has been made in the infrastructure of the Pest County municipality through the development supported by the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Program. As part of the project, pedestrian crossings with traffic lights and parking lots were built, furthermore, bus stops, streets, and sidewalks were renovated. In the outer part of the settlement, during the implementation, the Kövesbérci Street was renovated along with the pair of bus stops, for which a pedestrian crossing with...

A large-scale cancer screening program has been implemented in Hungary

The long-term goal of the project titled “Comprehensive Public Health Screenings” was to increase the effectiveness of public health programs while reducing the risk of preventable deaths through screening and changing the unfavorable trend. A direct objective was the training of physicians and healthcare professionals working in primary and specialized care, enhancing public health awareness, including participation in screening tests, and reviewing and modernizing the screening system. Screening is a method for early detection of...

Bicycle-friendly developments have been implemented in Komárom-Esztergom county

With the support of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program, a cycle path was built between Oroszlány and Tatabánya, allowing Oroszlány to become part of the European cycle network. The route runs from the administrative border of Tatabánya and Környe to Oroszlány (Majk), passing through the administrative areas of Környe, Kecskéd, and Oroszlány, along the Által Stream and its tributaries. As part of the project, nearly 13 kilometers of interconnecting and intra-settlement cycling routes...

Faster, more accurate, and cost-effective diagnosis in laboratories

The improvement of diagnostic and medical laboratory network infrastructure, funded by resources from the 2014–2020 EU programming period, makes healthcare diagnostics and services more efficient. Directed by the National Directorate General for Hospitals, the investment has resulted in reduced waiting times for patients in healthcare facilities and improved cost-effectiveness of the healthcare system. Good quality healthcare services cannot be ensured today without proper infrastructure and modern technology. Therefore, the National Directorate General for Hospitals set...

The modernized medical office in Tiszaalpár provides healing and health maintenance for the entire population

With the support of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program, the infrastructural development of the medical office belonging to the No. I general practitioner district of Tiszaalpár and the related service apartment was implemented. The project reduced operating costs and contributed to enhancing the health preservation of the local population and improving the average health condition of the settlement. The reconstruction of the medical office in the municipality of Bács-Kiskun County was necessary due...

The sports hall of the high school in Piliscsaba has been modernized

The sports hall of Dr. László Szepesi Vocational School of Agriculture and Forestry was developed with the support of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP). Through the energy modernization, the building can be operated in compliance with the European Union’s energy efficiency directive, while reducing maintenance and operational costs. The aim of KEHOP was to reduce environmental pollution and excessive exploitation of natural resources, preserve biodiversity, and prioritize sustainability. Therefore, the program supported...

Within the framework of an European Union program, the meteorological service’s information system has been expanded

The warning systems of the HungaroMet Hungarian Meteorological Service Provider Nonprofit Ltd. (formerly the National Meteorological Service) play a key role in protecting the lives and property of the population. Due to the effects of climate change, extreme weather events are increasingly frequent in Hungary as well. Therefore, it is essential for targeted preparation for the effects of climate change to have accurate knowledge of the current direction and extent of changes in Hungary. The...


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