Go for a ride, Hungarian! – new paths in equestrian tourism

Keeping and breeding of horses as livestock has played a significant role in our country’s history from ancient times, and horse riding has become so intertwined with the Hungarian identity that we are often referred to as a horse-riding nation. The beginnings of equestrian tourism in Hungary date back to the period after World War II. Although for a long time afterward horse riding was considered a privilege for the elite, nowadays more and more...

RobotOlympics – not in Paris, but in Hajdúböszörmény

The Foundation called “Every good book is a teacher of the nation” has been promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and the importance of learning through RobotOlympics since 2012, where different teams and their robots compete against each other in five different events. In the István Bocskai Secondary School in Hajdúböszörmény that regularly hosts the competition, children aged between 10 and 19 gather year after year to compete with the robots they build. The teams...

Energy efficiency improvements in Kistarcsa

European Union funding has helped to modernise some public institutions in Kistarcsa, enabling them to operate more efficiently in terms of energy use. One of the main objectives of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP) is to promote energy efficiency measures. Within this framework, the energy modernization of the Simándy József Primary School and Art School, as well as the Mayor’s Office buildings in Kistarcsa, has been realised. Almost all of the windows...

There is a way out of relationship violence

A Regional Crisis Centre named Safe Point has been established in Orosháza, Hungary, by the Hungarian Interchurch Aid, which provides help to victims of relationship violence, their families and professionals in the Southern Great Plain region. Relationship violence includes not only physical abuse, but also psychological, verbal, sexual abuse, economic violence and financial vulnerability. The main activities of the institution are providing information to victims, people at risk and their relatives by e-mail, telephone, online...

A meaningful trip near Budapest

From Budapest we can reach the village of Zsámbék, which was given its name after the Zsámbék basin located behind the Buda Hills, in just an hour by public transport, or even in a shorter time by car.  Both Zsámbék and the surrounding area has plenty of attractions, so it is a popular tourist destination. The goal of the Zsámbék Basin Tourism Association is to preserve, develop, and make the region’s natural, cultural, and built...

The Döröske reservoir has been renovated

In the village of Döröske, located in Vas County, the rehabilitation of the local reservoir, the restoration of the lake shore and bed conditions, as well as the suppression of invasive alien species, has been carried out with the support of The Hungarian Fisheries Operational Programme (MAHOP). With the involvement of EU funding, the project implemented by the Hungarian National Fishing Association completely renovated the reservoir and its facilities for water retention, which were in...

More leisure activities for residents in Sellye

Within the framework of the EU project “Improving local care, services and quality of life in the Ormánság region”, 6,500 square metres of green space have been developed in Sellye, Baranya County. The project, implemented under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme, increased green spaces in Sellye, improved transport links and created new sport infrastructure for the population. Key objective was to create an attractive yet sustainable image for businesses, investors and residents. The...

We are getting to Lake Balaton faster and faster

Some say summer is still ongoing, while others are already preparing for autumn, but one thing is certain: when traveling to Lake Balaton, everyone can find a great program for themselves. One last splash, one last lángos, or a simply event during the harvest season which makes Lake Balaton a popular travel destination even at the end of the summer season. Anyone who has traveled by train to the northern shore of Lake Balaton knows...

Modernly with gloves

In Europe, more than 1.5 million hand injuries occur in workplaces each year, which is why there is always a high demand for high-quality protective gloves. High-quality products require modern, efficient tools and processes, so when it comes to Glovita Kesztyű Zrt., it was European Union funding that have been made available to the company to develop and to produce even more and better products. The company located in Győr is a leader in the...

Large-scale education development at the university in Pécs

The University of Pécs is one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in our country, which, with the support of the Human Resources Development Operational Program (EFOP) and the involvement of EU funds, has implemented several successful measures to increase student and staff satisfaction, enhance the university’s competitiveness, improve the effectiveness of responses to labor market challenges, and improve access for female and disadvantaged students. The university has outlined three key project goals for...


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