More and more people are choosing to be teachers

The attractiveness and popularity of choosing teaching as a profession are increasing. This year, the number of those admitted to teacher training programs has doubled. There has been a historically significant salary increase while EU and domestic funds are supporting the Teacher Career Model. Making the teaching profession attractive and raising the salary of teachers is the goal of the program implemented under the Széchenyi Plan Plus Programme, co-financed by Hungary and the European Union....

Training for expanding the capacity of healthcare shortage professions

Professional training programs have helped improve the quality of human resources in shortage professions and ensure an adequate workforce to meet future needs at the Clinics of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen and the Kenézy Gyula University Hospital. The focus of a project implemented with EU support was on reducing four specific shortage professions at the Clinics of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen and the Kenézy Gyula University Hospital....

The Digital Renewal Operational Programme Plus application aims to promote more efficient utilisation of green energy

Energy independence is unimaginable without solar energy, which has seen domestic capacities expand at an unprecedented pace in recent years. In Hungary, nearly 288,000 small household power plants are already in operation, compared to the previously estimated 200,000 by 2030. The rapid expansion must be adapted to the development of the network. The Digital Renewal Operational Programme Plus support the digitalization developments of electricity distributors with HUF 26.5 billion to facilitate the integration of renewables....

Record – breaking Modern Factories Night: the national event took place with the participation of more than a hundred factories

This year, the Hungarian Economic Development Agency (NGFÜ) organized Modern Factories Night nationwide event for the eighth time, which took place on November 8, 2024. The opening of the series of events was held in Eger. The operations of strategic importance (OSI) for the 2021-27 programming period, commonly known as Pillars, aim to provide greater visibility for EU funds by widely showcasing the achieved results to the public. Every operational programme has Pillars. The Modern...

Let’s give wastewater a chance!

Who would have thought that wastewater also has a second chance? Kaposvár’s new purification system provides exactly that for the water – in the form of a thorough ‘wellness’ treatment! The old wastewater is given new life with the most modern technology, so it can return to nature fresh and clean. And all this while powering itself with biogas! Yes, here the wastewater not only gets cleaned but also gives back energy – in a...

Szeged enriched with greenfield nursery investment

In the city of Szeged, 20 young children can start daycare activities in a new, modern, and energy-efficient facility. The development provides the opportunity for daytime care for the little ones, thereby supporting the return to work of the affected parents and mothers. The city’s local government has established a daycare center that, in line with modern expectations, is not only accessibble for disabled children but also economically sustainable thanks to energy modernisation. The institution...

Ultramodern fish processing in Budaörs

It is well known that consuming fish is very healthy. Fish contain a multitude of nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the human body, such as high-quality proteins, various vitamins, and minerals. One of the pioneers of Hungarian fish processing is the Budaörs-based Fishmarket Fish Trading Limited Liability Company, which successfully implemented a project with the involvement of EU support. The development involved expanding production capacity and sales channels, renewing technologies, and increasing food...

A modern IT environment supports competitiveness

A large-scale university educational tool development has been implemented at the Orosháza center of Kodolányi János University by modernising the educational environment that ensures students’ practical work, building infrastructure to support distance education and open-source learning, and creating community spaces. The southern part of Békés is considered disadvantaged in terms of social, economic, and geographical aspects, and the residents here have less access to higher education due to their economic background. It is therefore important...

Aesthetics and energy efficiency: the new face of the Pesterzsébet Salt-Iodine Bath

The large-scale renovation and expansion of the Pesterzsébet Salt-Iodine Bath began in 2018, with the aim of transforming the former 800-square-meter area into a much more modern and spacious 4,300-square-meter indoor bath complex. As a result of the modernisation, the facility has been completely revitalised: Budapest’s only iodine-salt water thermal bath is now open year-round, enticing visitors with its modern design, elegant interiors, and numerous wellness services. As part of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency...

The Digital Renewal Operational Program Plus Roadshow is launching

Soon, companies will be able to apply for the Digital Renewal Operational Program Plus calls that provide direct support, co-financed by the European Union, to improve the competitiveness of the SME sector. This support aims both to compensate for delayed investments in digitalization and to initiate innovative activities that go beyond the capabilities of small businesses. Small enterprises will be able to apply for simplified, small-scale, non-refundable grants and will also have the option to...


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