Bicycle-friendly developments have been implemented in Komárom-Esztergom county

2024. 04. 05.

With the support of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program, a cycle path was built between Oroszlány and Tatabánya, allowing Oroszlány to become part of the European cycle network. The route runs from the administrative border of Tatabánya and Környe to Oroszlány (Majk), passing through the administrative areas of Környe, Kecskéd, and Oroszlány, along the Által Stream and its tributaries.

As part of the project, nearly 13 kilometers of interconnecting and intra-settlement cycling routes were established. The route intersects national roads and railway lines multiple times, but safe crossings were ensured everywhere. Bicycle stands and B+R bike racks were installed at busy facilities along the route, bicycle resting areas were created, and the affected surfaces were made barrier-free. Sidewalks were also built in certain sections where technically justified. An interesting feature of the cycle path is that its public lighting and the operation of road prisms are powered by solar panels, which were also installed as part of the project. Additionally, environmental protection and tree planting activities were carried out to ensure sustainability.

The cycle path offers commuting and leisure opportunities alike, attracting over six hundred people daily for commuting or recreational purposes along the Által Stream and small lakes. The project creates the opportunity for Oroszlány to connect to the European cycle network, as the existing cycle path sections provide direct connections to the EuroVelo 6 international cycle route network towards Tatabánya, Tata, and Dunaalmás.

EuroVelo is a network consisting of 16 routes that cover the entire continent, serving both bicycle tourists and local residents for everyday transportation. EuroVelo 6, also known as the Rivers Route, stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea and is one of the most popular EuroVelo routes.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project TOP-3.1.1-15-KO1-2016-00004 under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder: Details


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