Hundreds of Institutions Participated in the Project Aimed at Preventing School Dropout

2024. 03. 28.

Reducing the number of early school leavers was one of the key indicators of the Europe 2020 Strategy and is prominently featured among the long-term goals. In Hungary, targeted support for students at risk of dropping out of school and comprehensive development of involved public educational institutions were realized within the framework of the Human Resources Development Operational Program.

In Hungary, many young people drop out of basic or secondary education before reaching the age of compulsory education, and without qualifications, their integration into the labor market is almost impossible. School dropout, unemployment, social exclusion, and poverty are closely interrelated, making support for at-risk institutions highly significant.

The project titled “Supporting Institutions at Risk of Student Dropout” contributed to the networking of public educational institutions and facilitated the development of individual and differentiated institutional development programs with central support. Nearly 450 kindergartens, primary, and secondary education institutions participated in tailored institutional development programs under central support. The project specifically supported students at risk of dropping out of school, thereby enhancing their conditions for academic success and later success in the labor market. In addition, the fight against segregation was also addressed within the program.

As a result of the project, access to quality education improved in nearly 450 public educational institutions, the partnerships of public educational institutions were strengthened, and best practices became adaptable. The range of pedagogical services and methodological offerings of the Educational Authority’s territorial and regional pedagogical professional services expanded. The provision of pedagogical services related to students at risk of dropping out of school improved, contributing to the establishment of inclusive educational organization and management.

The Educational Authority committed to developing a model for comprehensive institutional development supporting the prevention of school dropout within the project. The result is the Preventive Pedagogical System Supporting School Dropout Prevention (PPSSD), which was introduced for the first time in the 300 service locations participating in the project.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project EFOP-3.1.5-16-2016-00001 under the Human Resource Development Operational Program.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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