The two districts of Budapest-Józsefváros have become safer and more livable

2024. 02. 16.

With the support of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Program, the Magdolna-Orczy Quarter Program was implemented, which responded to the needs of both the residents of Józsefváros and the district itself. The project was a comprehensive urban rehabilitation program aimed at promoting development, including elements supporting housing, employment, economic stimulation, public space improvement, and increased public safety.

The project titled “Social Urban Rehabilitation Program for Budapest-Józsefváros, Magdolna-Orczy Quarter” aimed to address the socio-physical-economic problems concentrated in the declining or at-risk urban area and to promote the social integration of residents living in the target area. The planning process involved local residents, institutions, as well as religious and civil organizations, and took into account the Integrated Urban Development Strategy (ITS) adopted in 2015.

The ITS aligns the medium-term tasks of Budapest Capital Municipality for urban development with European Union budget cycles, defining the city’s development program, key projects ensuring implementation, framework conditions, and integrated intervention areas.

One element of the urban development affecting seven blocks was the housing sub-program, which included the comprehensive renewal of two properties and the renovation of jointly owned parts. Additionally, the external and internal windows of nearly 50 apartments were replaced and upgraded for comfort based on assessed needs. The project also aimed to reduce operating costs for apartment buildings and rental properties. To achieve this, 100% municipal properties and mixed ownership properties were involved, resulting in the improvement of the energy characteristics of nearly 250 apartments and the creation of green spaces in eight properties. In addition, through family and housing mentoring, supportive networks were established within the houses, connecting at least 300 families. Apartments were also renovated for local residents with specific needs, with a primary goal being to provide transitional housing for the Józsefváros Housing, Lifestyle, Spiritual Assistance, Existential Creation Program (LÉLEK-program).

Employment support and economic stimulation programs were also central to the project. A program was implemented to facilitate job search and labor market reintegration for local residents with low education levels, unemployed individuals, students, and those with disabilities. As part of the employment program, a motivational package for solving learning and social problems was developed, and an Employment and Education Center and a community-social laundry facility were established, which also served as an information point.

Public safety and public space programs were integral parts of the comprehensive urban development. Participating institutions and organizations provided leisure services for various youth target groups on weekdays, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Visits and volunteer-based professional assistance for families affected by addiction were also conducted. Between 2019 and 2021, a problem-oriented community policing initiative operated, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of various crimes committed. Additionally, the development of Kálvária Square created a community space capable of addressing multiple target groups and accommodating social activities and leisure programs.

The Józsefváros Municipality views the urban rehabilitation program as the first step in the renewal process of the entire Orczy quarter and aims to continue attracting development resources for the revitalization of the urban area in the future.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project VEKOP-6.2.1-15-2016-00013 under the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details


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