Together for Employment in the Central Hungary Region

2025. 02. 17.

The aim of the EU project implemented by the Contact Foundation was to help unemployed and inactive people return to the world of work and remain in stable employment. For this purpose, they created individual development plans, provided labor market counseling, and offered various support services.

The development was part of a support program that supplemented the labor market activities of the National Employment Service by involving non-governmental organizations, enabling the outreach and employment of disadvantaged job seekers who the public system is less able to reach effectively. For job seekers, especially those with low educational qualifications and inactive, personalized support and counseling can lead to more effective integration into the labor market. The program operated in Budapest and Pest County and expected that at least 20% of the job seekers would find employment in the primary labor market.

To achieve goals, they prepared individual development plans, provided labor market counseling, and offered various support services. Participants could take part in individual and group sessions that contributed to developing skills necessary for employment.

During the project, individual sessions and group training together supported the participants. In addition to job search counseling, psychological support, social information provision, motivational training, labor market mentoring, career orientation, and career change counseling, played a significant role. The development of key competencies, such as communication and problem-solving, the acquisition of job search techniques and job exploration, as well as assistance and training in workplace integration, have all contributed to ensuring that job seekers not only find employment but also retain their jobs in the long term.

The project’s particular significance stemmed from the fact that job seekers received support tailored to their individual needs: their strengths and areas for improvement were identified, and they were assisted in becoming successful in the labor market in the long term.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project VEKOP-8.1.2-16-2017-00002 under the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Program.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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