Energy independence is unimaginable without solar energy, which has seen domestic capacities expand at an unprecedented pace in recent years. In Hungary, nearly 288,000 small household power plants are already in operation, compared to the previously estimated 200,000 by 2030. The rapid expansion must be adapted to the development of the network. The Digital Renewal Operational Programme Plus support the digitalization developments of electricity distributors with HUF 26.5 billion to facilitate the integration of renewables.
In the Digital Renewal Operational Programme Plus eleven support schemes can encourage the green transition, improve energy efficiency, and supply security, moreover realise sustainability and climate protection efforts with innovative digital solutions. Within the framework of the operational programme, HUF 26.5 billion in support can be provided for the digitalization developments of electricity distributors, which serve the integration of renewable energy sources. The E.ON, ELMÜ, MVM, and OPUS electricity network companies will be able to apply for the upcoming call for proposals, either independently or in a consortium, according to the planned schedule starting from the end of January 2025. A minimum of one billion, but a maximum of 12 billion forints of non-refundable support can be provided for a development. The eligible activities are diverse: digitalization developments can also provide a solution for temporarily lifting the lockdowns in areas affected by feed-in restrictions. By financing the necessary investments on the distributors’ side, they can contribute to making the production of household-sized solar power plants measurable.
The newly established digital systems can ensure the monitoring and control of energy flow within the electrical grid, the establishment and real-time monitoring of supply and demand balance, and the prevention of overloads and energy shortages.