The opening event of the Pillér Project – Expanding and Developing the Workforce in Békés County was held on February 12, 2025, in Békéscsaba. The program places special emphasis on the development of disadvantaged, inactive job seekers and encourages them to enter the workforce.
One of the goals of the Pillér projects, officially known as operations of strategic importance (OSI) in the 2021-2027 programming period, is to increase the visibility of EU funding by widely showcasing the results achieved to the public. One of the key pillars of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme Plus (EDIOP Plus) is the Expanding and Developing the Workforce project, which is being implemented at the national level.
Nationwide, more than HUF 78.4 billion is allocated to achieve the program’s objectives, while Békés County has HUF 3.57 billion at its disposal for implementation. The Békés County Government Office is actively working across multiple areas to reach these goals, collaborating with chambers of commerce, universities, municipalities, and healthcare institutions. The primary focus is on enhancing the county’s population retention capacity and reducing migration. Qualified employment specialists assist individuals who visit government offices, preparing future employees for the open labor market and job interviews, helping them write resumes, and providing mentorship both before and after employment. The program pays special attention to parents with young children, job seekers over 50, people with disabilities, long-term unemployed individuals, roma communities, people with low educational attainment, those caring for family members.
Economic activity has improved in Békés County over the past few years. The number of registered job seekers is now at an all-time low. The project targets job seekers and inactive individuals aged 30 to 64, who can apply for various non-refundable financial support to improve their employability and facilitate their integration into the labor market. These include wage subsidies, job-seeking incentives related to training, housing support, and travel allowances. By August 31, 2027, nearly 1,700 people must be included in the program in Békés County. The first milestone has already been reached, with over 700 participants engaged so far. Within the project, more than 500 people are expected to participate in training programs, of which 140 have already completed their courses. Last year, 28 training programs were launched in 20 specialized fields, and the organization of new courses is ongoing. The project is being implemented through a consortium, aiming to establish partnerships that support the integration of inactive individuals and address the challenges faced by job seekers. At the county level, agreements have already been signed with 16 organizations to support these efforts.
(Source:, Békés Vármegyei Hírportál)