Two atoms are clearly visible with the new microscope

The pressure on research and development has led to the establishment of an EU support program, as institutions often could not join international research networks due to outdated infrastructure. Successful projects in this field can strengthen Hungary’s position in the European research area. The Center for Energy Research (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) has entered the world elite of materials science by acquiring an exceptionally powerful electron microscope. The aim of the call for proposals titled...

The presence program helps three hundred catching-up settlements

Two events were held in recent weeks regarding the EU co-funded Pillar project, titled Presence in Catching-up Settlements (ESF+). First, an information session was held for the mayors of the newly joining municipalities and representatives of the implementing organizations of the catching-up settlements program. A few days later, the results of the project’s first year were presented at a press conference roundtable discussion. Each member state identifies the operations of strategic importance that play a...

Mezőföld has become a paradise for water birds

The enchanting landscapes of Mezőföld boast numerous valuable aquatic habitats, which not only provide wonderful experiences for nature lovers but also play a key role in preserving biodiversity. The aim of the Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate’s EU project was to improve the naturalness of these habitats, increase their extent, and provide homes for protected species. The development focuses on three internationally significant wetlands located in Fejér County: the Velence Lake Bird Sanctuary, the Dinnyés-hides, and...

Employment development Pillar project focuses on disadvantaged jobseekers

The Pillar project “Expanding and developing labour supply”, funded by the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme Plus, was officially launched on 4 December with a conference on Addressing demographic challenges by mobilising disadvantaged groups. The Operations of Strategic Importance (OSIs), more commonly known as Pillars, for the 2021-27 programming period aim to give greater visibility to EU funding, by giving citizens a broader picture of the results achieved. In the 2021-27 programming period, all...

Competence development and knowledge enhancement through the power of tradition

In the district of Devecser, hundreds of children were able to participate in meaningful extracurricular activities based on tradition preservation, which not only provided a cultured way to spend their free time but also laid the foundations for talent development. These activities offered opportunities to discover the potential within the children through thematic, interactive, small group sessions, significantly expanding value-based knowledge alongside community experiences. The Live Source Association for the preservation of traditions based in...

More transparent and efficient operations at the Hungarian State Treasury

From the perspective of the efficient operation of the public finances, transparency is a key factor. The aim of the project, implemented by the Hungarian State Treasury with EU support, was to improve transparency, revolutionizing the management of public finances with modern technology, simplifying processes, and ensuring the traceability of public funds. With the help of the new IT system, public decision-makers can access the necessary data more quickly and accurately, thereby supporting targeted planning...

Choose the train instead!

Good news for train travellers and advocates of sustainable transportation in Vas County: the Szombathely-Kőszeg railway line has been renewed! As a result of the project implemented with European Union support under the Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme, travel on the affected railway line has become more comfortable, faster, and environmentally- friendly. The aim of the project was to improve the quality of public transportation, prioritising rail-based solutions over car traffic, while closely integrating the...

From January, the salary increase for school and kindergarten teachers will continue

Following professional and social consultations, the government is submitting the detailed regulations necessary for the salary increase of teachers to social consultation. According to the proposal, the salaries of school and kindergarten teachers will increase by an average of another 21.2% from January 1. The funds necessary for the increase are provided 88 percent by the Hungarian government and 12 percent by the European Union under the Human Resource Development Operational Programme Plus. The salary...

Competitiveness in stone

One of the most popular financial instruments of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme was clearly the loan program to boost business competitiveness. The programme targeted the development of advanced products and services for domestic companies. The loan program provided an opportunity to develop micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that had no or insufficient access to finance. The repayable grant provided the opportunity to purchase new equipment and intangible assets, finance construction works or...

A treasure-filled study room at the Jász Museum

A multi-thematic study repository has opened at the Jász Museum in Jászberény, funded by the European Union, where those eager to learn can simultaneously get acquainted with the local historical, archaeological, and ethnographic treasures of the region. Although the Jász Museum had previously engaged in activities supporting lifelong learning, the infrastructure was outdated, and there were no modern facilities or technical equipment suitable for learning purposes. It became increasingly necessary to establish modern ICT infrastructure...


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