A modern IT environment supports competitiveness

A large-scale university educational tool development has been implemented at the Orosháza center of Kodolányi János University by modernising the educational environment that ensures students’ practical work, building infrastructure to support distance education and open-source learning, and creating community spaces. The southern part of Békés is considered disadvantaged in terms of social, economic, and geographical aspects, and the residents here have less access to higher education due to their economic background. It is therefore important...

Aesthetics and energy efficiency: the new face of the Pesterzsébet Salt-Iodine Bath

The large-scale renovation and expansion of the Pesterzsébet Salt-Iodine Bath began in 2018, with the aim of transforming the former 800-square-meter area into a much more modern and spacious 4,300-square-meter indoor bath complex. As a result of the modernisation, the facility has been completely revitalised: Budapest’s only iodine-salt water thermal bath is now open year-round, enticing visitors with its modern design, elegant interiors, and numerous wellness services. As part of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency...

The Digital Renewal Operational Program Plus Roadshow is launching

Soon, companies will be able to apply for the Digital Renewal Operational Program Plus calls that provide direct support, co-financed by the European Union, to improve the competitiveness of the SME sector. This support aims both to compensate for delayed investments in digitalization and to initiate innovative activities that go beyond the capabilities of small businesses. Small enterprises will be able to apply for simplified, small-scale, non-refundable grants and will also have the option to...

Cost-reducing developments in the IT infrastructure of public administration

State and municipal electronic information systems and registries previously operated in a fragmented manner on various quality infrastructures. In the fragmented system, the introduction of security and protective measures was also cumbersome. Thanks to the developments implemented with European Union support, these systems have been modernised, allowing them to perform their tasks more effectively and cost-efficiently. The project, implemented with EU support under the Public Administration and Public Service Development Operational Programme (KÖFOP), aimed to...

Catering in a modern environment in Sajószentpéter

In a settlement in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, a successful EU development was implemented with the aim of providing modern public catering for preschool and elementary school children, as well as those in need.  The city’s local government established the Catering Nonprofit Ltd. in Sajószentpéter in 2009 to provide more efficient, higher quality, and more standardised services for the city’s public catering, primarily serving the Kossuth Lajos Primary School and its two member institutions (Hunyadi Mátyás Branch...

Responsible water management for a predictable future

When it comes to environmental issues, it is extremely important to receive the right information, to continuously expand our knowledge, and to implement measures that can protect our environment and combat the harmful effects of climate change. The Transdanubian Regional Waterworks Ltd., (Dunántúli Regionális Vízmű Zrt.) has done a lot for this in its project titled Water source protection and responsible water managment in the era of climate change. The development that was implemented with...

Helping parents with young children return to work

The opening event of the Pillar project titled “Targeted Support for the Labor Market Reintegration of Parents with Young Children” was held in Budapest on October 17, 2024. The program, implemented with the support of the Human Resource Development Operational Programme Plus, contributes to reducing the financial burden on families with young children by covering the costs of care and increasing the employment of those raising young children. The operations of strategic importance (OSI) of...

A renovated community center welcomes the residents of Rigács

A village house’s modernisation has been been completed in Rigács, Veszprém County under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme Plus (TSDOP Plus). The operations of strategic importance of the 2021-27 programming period are called pillars. One of the pillars of the TSDOP Plus programme is the “Energy Renovation of Municipal Public Buildings” call for proposals, within which the project “Energy Modernisation of the Village House in Rigács” was implemented. As part of the investment,...

Pillars also help with employment in Somogy

In Somogy County, two EDIOP Plus Pillars assist with labor market placement: the two programs help the working-age population find employment. On October 10, 2024, the opportunities were presented to employers and cooperating partners in Kaposvár at the opening event of the projects co-financed by the European Union. The operations of strategic importance (OSI) of the 2021-27 programming period are called Pillars which objectives is to ensure greater visibility for EU funds by widely showcasing...

A new helium liquefier serves the researchers at Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Helium has numerous forms of use: it is applied as a filling material for balloons and airships, as well as in its liquid state as a coolant, for example in superconducting magnets. The Helium Liquefaction Plant has been operating at the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME-FTK) since 1994. We have all known helium since childhood, as it made colorful balloons float to...


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