Under the call for “County Employment and Economic Development Collaborations” within the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme Plus (TSDOP Plus), the Fejér County Government, in partnership with the Fejér County Government Office, has received approximately 3.3 billion HUF in non-repayable EU funding. The project’s goal is to contribute to the development of the county’s economy by developing an economy and employment development strategy that covers the entire county. As part of the program, an economic conference titled “Resilience of Values in the Continuously Changing Economic Environment” was held in Székesfehérvár on 13 February, 2025.
The operations of strategic importance (OSI) for the 2021-2027 programming period, commonly known as the Pillars, aim to provide greater visibility for EU funding, showcasing the results achieved to citizens at large. One of the priorities of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme Plus (TSDOP Plus) is the “Caring County” initiative, one of its pillars being the “County Employment and Economic Development Collaborations” measure.
The “Szent István Program – Economic Development and Employment Partnership” project, running until 28 February, 2027, aims to involve a total of nearly two thousand people in labor market programs, with the number of participants employed at the time of leaving the program expected to exceed 1,100. The project consists of two parts: the labor market program, implemented by the Fejér County Government Office, which includes wage support, mobility, support for becoming an entrepreneur, and services that promote employment. The economic development program part, implemented by the Fejér County Government, includes initiatives such as the Pact Office, the Fejér Product Program, Investment Promotion Services, social enterprise development, and organizing activities that support employment from the business side. The project aims to develop an economy and employment development strategy for the entire county and implement a sustainable employment program that contributes to economic development and reduces regional disadvantages.
The goal of the participants in the conference titled “Resilience of Values in the Continuously Changing Economic Environment” is the same: they are working to create an attractive social and economic environment for the counties. For successful work, it is necessary to find common ground between the needs of employees and employers, so that both parties can find what they are looking for, thereby promoting employment at the highest possible level. The conference participants listened to a presentation on sensitizing employers to organizing multigenerational work processes and recruiting and retaining employees with different needs, as well as the importance of supported employment from the employers’ perspective. The program has been running since 2022 with the involvement of thirty additional organizations alongside the consortium members.
(Source: palyazat.gov.hu, photo: Fejér County Municipality)